Hey! I Just Discovered That “Trolls” Do Exist….WTF!

First things first. It’s over…..done…..and congratulations to President Obama……………….now, can we all just freakin’ chill out and get our lives back to normal….geeesh!

Ok….now on to trolls. Which I think look something like the photo below.

My guess as to what Internet trolls look like. (exclusive troll photo taken outside of a local WalMart)

I’ve never been big on fairy tales, ‘cept for trying to find out why Snow White got away with shacking up with those five dwarf guys and no one has ever investigated that. Sure, poor Anthony Weiner shows his wiener on Twitter and everybody goes bonkers, but a fair young damsel lives in the freakin’ woods with a bunch of strange-looking short guys and nobody gives a damn. What’s with that!

Ohhhhhhhhh……..that explains everything.

Anyhow, sordid damsels aside, I tuned into a Public Radio station yesterday and picked up on a story about Internet “trolls.” Now, I for one, always was under the impression that trolls were, similar to those seven dwarf guys, really short, wore pointed hats, dressed in funny clothes like “lederhosen.,” and weren’t very good looking…..as trolls go.

But, I was obviously mistaken, as evidenced by what I learned on PBS yesterday. Trolls are also actual human beings that stalk the Internet and attempt to seize an opportunity to cause hate, discontent, and havoc. Well, at least some trolls. Except for that “Travelocity” troll guy. I think he’s kinda harmless. Unless he’s also shacking up with some fairy tale princess in Transylvania someplace.

The “Travelocity” guy, who could be a “troll” but most likely is a gnome. One can never be sure.

Here’s the Web’s definition of a troll, for starters:

“An Internet troll is someone who posts offensive, controversial, or divisive material on an Internet community. Trolls are an unfortunately common occurrence on many communities across the Internet, and there are various steps which can be taken to combat them. If you are currently struggling with an Internet troll, the best thing to do is to walk away, since trolls feed on attention, and they will usually disappear if they are ignored.”

Hmmmm. They feed on attention. Good for us. At least they’re not carnivorous. I’d hate to meet a real life troll that was very hungry.

Now I completely understand some of the comments I see on a lot of social media sites. Like “Facebook,” “Sodahead,” “My Space,” “Twitter,” and “Reddit,” (which sounds like a frog should be saying that) Oh…sorry….that’s “ribbit.”  My apologies to Kermit.

The ultimate “like” on Facebook.

I personally think a lot of Internet trolls are not short in stature nor wear lederhosen and funny pointed hats. I could be mistaken, but that’s my best guess. I base this on the fact that I’ve never seen an actual troll, other than, as I mentioned earlier, that “Travelocity” guy, and a few on some front lawns, usually in affluent neighborhoods.

I believe that Internet trolls are normal looking people who just like to, as the definition above says, “likes to post offensive and controversial” comments on various web sites. Which explains some of the comments I personally receive on my “WordPress” site on occasion. I always took for granted it was one of my ex wives posting that stuff. Now I’m convinced it’s a troll. Then again, one of my ex’es could also fall into the “troll” category. Minus the lederhosen.

Which is why I use the alias of MisfitWisdom

So, I’ve now educated myself to completely understanding why some people, mostly anonymous trolls, post those offensive things on some social media web sites. The answer is…..simply because they can, and, they can do it anonymously.

Like you’d never, if you were an honest to goodness certified troll, walk up to  6 foot 7 tall 250 pound guy and say something to him like, “Hey….you’re a freakin’ jerk.”

Why? Cause he’d pound the hell outta your little troll butt and stuff you down a sewer drain. That’s why.

But…..on the Internet, you can call that same guy whatever you want and be safe from bodily harm. Unless of course you happen to pick on the wrong guy who just happens to be an Internet whiz, finds your home address, THEN comes over to your house and pounds your butt into smithereens. Just sayin.’

“Yeah….that’s right buddy…..my Facebook name is “Fluffy,” And you’re the troll that called me an a**hole…..heh, heh, heh.”


Now perhaps many of you out there in Internet “lant,” (old Lawrence Welk term…lant) would love to see some actual trolls in action. As far as I’m concerned, the “mother lode” of “trollism,” (my word) can be found on “Sodahead.com.” A troller’s paradise. Just for the hell of it, go to Sodahead and click on the “News & Politics” category for a really good selection of trolls. It’s, at the least, very entertaining.

I might add, that I myself, being of shallow mind, post on Sodahead, but, even though I’m only 5′ 4″ tall, do NOT fall into the troll category. Although in public, if I were to wear a pointed hat and lederhosen I could surely pass for a troll. Might try that if I ever get to visit Bavaria and want to score with a female troll. Ya never know.

I tried on a pair of lederhosen and immediately had an urge to drink some Lowenbrau beer…..and I don’t drink.

So, happy troll searching folks. At least now you can have some sort of comfort knowing just exactly what a troll is and how to spot one.

Better to be safe than sorry and unexpectedly get trollinized……(my word)

And now…..before I conclude today’s blog……for those of you who may be celebrating the election results and wearing lederhosen, this one’s for you: (link below)

(DONATE) The un-trolled MisfitWisdom PayPal donate link is posted below. I post it way down here just in case a short troll may want to make a donation. As trolls, are of course, very short, they could see it better down here at the bottom of this blog. If the link is not highlighted, (blue) simply copy and paste the link into your browser to get to the PayPal site. My apologies to any trolls who may be employed at PayPal.

Donations since January 2009………….( 1 )


Copyright 2012 MisfitWisdom RLV

DILLIGARA Header: chickart@cox.net

About misfit120

Former disc jockey, (Dick Jones) 30 years, and author of, "I Could Have Been Famous But Sex, Love & Life Got In The Way" available at Amazon.com books, & Kindle, "The Covert Chamber" a mystery novel available at Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble, and "Forgotten" the story of two WWI pilots who were forgotten for over 70 years available on Amazon.com and Kindle
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